There is really nothing that Dan Salcius can’t do. We got ourselves a true unicorn here. He manages both Carrera and Designing North Studios voice and vision across the vast, big internet sea. And boy, does he care about the sea. The real one that is. His passion for conservation, his desire to lend a hand to the momentum of humanity, combined with a quick wit and a quick study to produce content for both entities makes you swoon with jealousy. We know. His crazy talent makes us use the eye roll emoji behind his back too.
Dan jumped into his first role with us at the Studio division, and brought his writing, photography, and strategy skills for content marketing to the right creative director. She loaned him over to Carrera and now he breathes life into everything that he touches, and supports both brands with a founders mentality: focused, committed, prepared, and disciplined. If you too are eye-rolling, get ready – he also finished his Masters at Purdue in the midst of all this heavy lifting. And there you have it; Dan is the…
We can’t. He’s too good for that.